Hiring process & selection of candidates

You do not want to entrust your executive search mandates to a recruitment firm, but still feel the need to be accompanied in your hiring or selection of candidates? Desnoyers ressources & conseils helps you to reach your goals by offering personalized services adapted to your reality. Here are some examples of mandates:

  • Analysis of low-performance recruitment situations, diagnosis and production of recommendations
  • Job review, desired skills and selection criteria for a given position
  • Obtaining a second opinion on a candidate
  • Training and coaching of recruiters
  • Selection committee animation

Recruitment skills development

Develop your skills in recruitment, talent acquisition and increase your productivity by working with our experts who have more than twenty years of experience in the field.


Personalized Career Transition Support

Desnoyers Ressources & Conseils supports career transition executives who do not benefit from an employer-paid reassignment service. Our flexible and adaptive approach is based on the experience of a practitioner who is familiar with the job market, organizations and their staffing practices. Different packages are available and the accompaniment offered varies according to the needs of the client:

  • Analyse des compétences en regard des postes convoités
  • Définition et clarification des objectifs de recherche
  • Support dans la mise à jour du cv et du profil LinkedIn
  • Préparation et simulation d’entrevues
  • Débriefing lors d’entrevues, avec des recruteurs ou au sein des organisations
  • Coaching et suivi durant la recherche d’emploi

Examples of situations where the accompaniment of a specialized coach facilitates career transition:

You have been fired from your most recent position and are wondering about the type of position you want to access;

You want to make a career transition and your current experience has little to do with the prerequisites of the positions that interest you;

After a long professional career you are looking for your first management position;

You have been in the same position for a long time and want to find a new job, but you do not know where to start;

You send tons of resumes, but do not receive answers and this starts to create frustration;

You get a lot of challenging interviews for interesting positions, but you accumulate refusals;

After long studies you are finally ready for the job market, but you are anxious to look for your first job;

You constantly receive job offers, but these do not correspond to what you are looking for and come to doubt.

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